LOM : JCI Arayankavu
President : JFD Varghese M Thomas
JCRT Chair Person : Jcrt Sheeja Rafeeq
Month : May 2018
No Of Programs : 8
1. Suraksha (06.05.2018)
Jcrt wing of JCI Arayankavu conducted a Self Deffensing Training for Ladies & girls above 13 years. The program precided by our JCRT Chairperson Smt Sheeja Rafeekh was inaugurated by honourable Amballore Panchayath President Smt Jalaja Mohanan in the esteemed presence of Our President JFD Varghese M Thomas. Mr Anil KUmar & Ms Anakha Anil lead the sessions. The Program Cordinator was JCrt Sheeja Rafeekh 29 participatants was there.
2. Puraskar (06.05.2018)
JCRT wing of JCI Arayankavu honoured the Amballore Panchayath President Smt Jalaja Mohanan for Leading the Panchayath to the first ever declared Women Friendly Panchayath of the State
3. Valsalyam (13.05.2018)
As a part of World Mothers day Celebrations, JCRT wing of JCI Arayankavu wonderfully cordinated by JCRT Sheeja Rafeeq, recognised 31 mothers of Plus 2 Students and SSLC students who have secured full A+ in the public examinations. The momentos were distributed by the honourable Panchayath President Smt Jalaja MOhanan and Ward Member Smt Sheela Sathyan
4. Aaranyakam (15.05.2018)
Jayceerette wing of JCI Arayankavu visited Hill Palace Museum as a part of the Zone Project Aaranyakam and cleaned the premises and planted a trees in the small forest near hill palace museum
5.Mikavu (17.05.2018)
JCRT Wing of JCI Arayankavu recognised JJ Abhrirami S who has secured 100% marks in Plus 2 examinations and JJ Gregory John Reji who have secured 96% marks in SSLC Examinations
6.Womens Voice (27.05.2018)
Jayceerette wing of JCI Arayankavu published a jcrt wing magazine Women's Voice at Midcon.Distributed the magazine among the deligates of Midcon, Also shared in social medias.
7.Mammography Camp(30.05.2018)
Jayceerette wing of JCI Arayankavu conducted a Thermomammogram Camp in association with Cochin Cancer Society at Kanjiramattom. 25 ladies participated in the program for the breast cancer detection test.
8. Bleed in a Cup (30.05.2018)
Jayceerette wing of JCI Arayankavu conducted an awareness class about the usage of menstrual cups for the participants of mammography camp. The class was taken by Dr Sara Benny. We distributed brouchers of the menstrual cups among them and stuck posters in bus stops, junctions etc.
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